Right to Education

RTE (Right to Education) at Sangam School of Excellence:
Empowering Futures

Choose Sangam School of Excellence for your child’s brighter future, where we uphold the principles of the Right to Education Act, ensuring that every child receives quality education without discrimination. RTE is a landmark legislation that envisions an inclusive and equitable educational system, making education a fundamental right for every child in India.

RTE Disha Nirdesh: Guiding the Way to Inclusive Education

Sangam School of Excellence proudly adheres to RTE Disha Nirdesh, a set of guidelines that steer our commitment to inclusive and quality education. Here’s an overview of our RTE Disha Nirdesh and how they shape our educational framework:
Admission and Inclusivity: Our school embraces diversity and follows a non-discriminatory admission process, ensuring that children from all backgrounds have equal opportunities to access education. We promote an inclusive environment that celebrates differences and fosters mutual respect.
Free and Compulsory Education: Sangam School of Excellence strictly adheres to the RTE mandate of providing free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of 6 and 14. We believe in removing financial barriers and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn and grow.
Quality Education: Our commitment to RTE goes beyond access; we are dedicated to providing quality education. Our curriculum is designed to meet the learning needs of diverse students, promoting holistic development and critical thinking skills.
Infrastructure and Facilities: Sangam School of Excellence invests in creating a conducive learning environment with well-equipped classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. We prioritize the overall development of each child, recognizing the importance of extracurricular activities alongside academics.
Teacher Training and Development: Recognizing the pivotal role of teachers in shaping young minds, our school focuses on continuous teacher training and professional development. We ensure that our educators are well-equipped to implement innovative teaching methods and cater to the individual learning needs of students.
Parental Involvement: We encourage active participation from parents in their child’s education. Regular parent-teacher interactions, open communication channels, and involvement in school activities create a collaborative learning environment.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Sangam School of Excellence diligently monitors the progress of each student, employing regular assessments to track academic and personal development. This enables us to provide timely interventions and support where needed.
By embracing the RTE Disha Nirdesh, Sangam School of Excellence strives to be a beacon of inclusive education, nurturing young minds and empowering them to become responsible and compassionate global citizens. Join us in this journey towards a brighter and more equitable future for all.

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